8月10日下午,韩国首尔华克山庄大酒店会议大厅,微软“创新杯”2007(Jmagine cup 2007)全球总决赛盛大的颁奖会正在隆重举行。
当短片定格在“IT Challenge”画面上、主持人宣布:一等奖获得者是“China Zhifeng Chen(陈志峰)”,顿时掌声雷动。中国区的项目负责人曾纳女士以及陈志峰所在学校——华中科技大学的校长李培根激动地从座位上站了起来,“我很为陈志峰感到自豪,要知道,他才是一个大二学生,不是学计算机而是环境工程给排水专业的学生。”
I am a global columnist of Youth Ki Awaaz, a member of Chinese Essayists’ Association,a young writer of the Young Writers’ Association in Shandong Province, a writer of the Xishuangbanna Writers’ Association, a writer contracted to the 21st Century Youth Literature Institute and a columnist for Shanda’s qidian.com。
I was given the title of Youth Ambassador for the UNICEF and the UNAIDS ‘Unite for Children,Unite Against AIDS’ campaign. a register of the Organization of Natural Medicine Association of the World Health Organization, a member of the SIP China(Social Innovation Park),a Memory & Health Ambassador of Memory & Health 360 Project, a member of the centre for society enterprise studying and developing。
石嫣:中国人民大学博士生 国内第一位公费去美国务农的学生
她于2008年4月16日飞赴美利坚深造,却没进校门,而是来到了明尼苏达州的一个名叫“地升农场”(Earthrise Farm)的农场,专门研究一种新型农场经营模式,由此开始了她为期6个月的“洋插队”农耕生活。她有个雄心勃勃的计划——建立中国第一个“社区支持农业(CSA)”农场,直接把健康菜送到社区居民家里。
Sophomore,School of Economics,Renmin University of China,
Assistant of Executive Board of VJoin Beijing。
Vice President and Program Manager of OVAL(Our Vision for Asian Leadership) CHINA Committee
I started my college life in bussiness area and finally decided to settle down in the garden of public welfare. Hope to see you all the young leaders in GSLF and create a smiling tomorow!
Social practice is one of my major interests. During holidays, I once went to the Chu Chiang Delta, South-China Guangdong Province, Yangtze River Delta, East-China Shanghai City, Jiangsu Province, Northwest China Gansu Province, Middle-China Hubei Province as well as my hometown Hunan Province. Now my school is located in the North-China, Shanxi Province. It is named Shanxi Normal University, in cooperation with the Beijing Normal University on the academic research。
In the areas above-mentioned, I have done a series of related researches about their local culture and education, economic development and so on, and written a lot of travel notes and reports, which is very helpful to build my own experience。
I am fond of literature creation and penmanship. I ever acted as the guest writer and backbone of the various literature leagues. So far, I have already published many articles on the <Old Riverside> (Weixia Middle school), <Jade Poetry> (Pinjiang No.1 Middle school),<Writing Newspaper> (Shanxi Normal University), <Linfen Daily Newspaper>,<University Life>(Linfen City, Shanxi Province), China<Modern Educational News-university student weekly>. as well as the YOUTH KIAWWAZ international website。
I ever worked in many training and educational organizations, aiming at helping the middle school students and the schoolchildren to learn more efficiently in Hunan Province and Shanxi Province。
In 2008, through the selection, I had acquired the chance to teach the educational law in the adults’ correspondence course station. In brief, I have a long teaching career and abundant teaching experience, owning the academic background advantage which is a combination of psychology and education。
Right now, I am the journalist and editor in the <China Campus> office which belongs to the <Beijing Daily Newspaper> Corporation. At the same time, I am a member of the Social Innovation Park China (SIP China), which is an international organization on the social innovation development。
Moreover,the wishes in my mind to GSLF are various. But the most important should be that we can make greater progress in future in our devoted areas due to the forum,in my opinion. Best wishes to you as well as our forum.Thank you!
汪珏:西南财经大学2008级社会工作专业的学生 现同时辅修财务管理双学位
2010年4月,我与学校几位同学发起创立了西南财经大学社会创新协会(social innovative association,SIA),在这里,我们引领更多的同学关注并参与到社会企业中,培养学会以商业的手法来解决社会问题的思维及能力。
同时,我希望我们的GSLF能在下一届的时候招募更多的学员,更多的“明日之星”需要得到这样的机会得到锻炼。GSLF会成为我们每一位青年人成长路上的一块跳板,我们在这里会了解到更多,我们会珍惜这次机会,借这块跳板,跳得更高。我们的GSLF也会因此带领更多的有为青年进入到环保领域,关注可持续发展和气候变化问题,敦促自己所在的社区,团体可持续发展和气候变化领域做出更多努力,因为我们需要为我们现在及未来的子孙们打造一个可持续发展的绿色家园 。
03/2008 till now, Local Committee President of AIESEC SISU
08/2010 till now, Asia Pacific Growth Network Board of AIESEC
06/2010-08/2010, IMS Health Market Research Consulting
04/2010-05/2010, Starnox Consulting Group
My wishes to GSLF,
I wish GSLF can successfully establish an internatoinal platform to collect the voice from global youth on the world issues and sustainability. By conneting the youth and business, it can help develop the young people into future leaders with high sense of social resonsibility。
My wishes:GSLF是我们一个交流想法和分享经验的平台,但愿这个平台能成为催生真正绿色行动的土壤!
“2041南极极地领袖计划”是由Robert Swan发起的旨在促进全球环保的项目。Robert Swan是世界上第一位徒步穿越南北极的人,从探险家成为社会活动家、环境问题专家、联合国大使。Robert每年都组建一支由全球青年组成的探险团队前往南极考察,激发个人领导力、团队协作能力,提高可持续发展、气候变化、能源和环境保护等方面的行动力,通过实际行动带动更大范围的青年在气候变化和能源领域的实践,在各领域注入“绿色”活力。 在今年全球600多名申请者中,朱一宁脱颖而出,成为40人跨国团队中唯一的中国学生。